For those people interested in the scientific publications and patents developed by the BioKeralty team, this section gathers detailed information and useful references corresponding to its scientific research. Nanomaterials, biomedical applications, in vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activities, nanomedicine, fatty acids, nanofibrous membranes, tissue reparations, etc. constitute some of the research topics included in this section.
BioKeralty news

Keralty introduces an innovative artificial intelligence-based ecosystem for health care
La iniciativa se engloba dentro del proyecto Nanogrow que busca acortar los tiempos de fabricación y aumentar la efectividad y tolerancia del autoinjerto
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The OPADE project, a success story in Health-NCP-Net 3.0 (HNN 3.0)
La iniciativa se engloba dentro del proyecto Nanogrow que busca acortar los tiempos de fabricación y aumentar la efectividad y tolerancia del autoinjerto
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Kick-off of the European project CARAMEL
La iniciativa se engloba dentro del proyecto Nanogrow que busca acortar los tiempos de fabricación y aumentar la efectividad y tolerancia del autoinjerto
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An European Project aiming to optimise Therapeutic Epigenetic Enhancement of the Innate Immunity to Effectively Combat Antimicrobial Resistance
La iniciativa se engloba dentro del proyecto Nanogrow que busca acortar los tiempos de fabricación y aumentar la efectividad y tolerancia del autoinjerto
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Scientific resources
Patents and publications
For those people interested in the scientific publications and patents developed by the BioKeralty team, this section gathers detailed information and useful references corresponding to its scientific research.
Nanomaterials, biomedical applications, in vitro and in vivo antimicrobial activities, nanomedicine, fatty acids, nanofibrous membranes, tissue reparations, etc. constitute some of the research topics included in this section.