An European Project aiming to Optimise and predict antidepressant efficacy for patient with major depressive disorders using multi-omics analysis and AI-predictive tools.
31 January 2023.
The Kick-off meeting of the European project OPADE was held at the EBRIS Foundation (EUROPEAN BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF SALERNO) on 23-24th January. The project will have a duration of 54 months, ending on 31 May 2027.
The project general objective is to identify key biomarkers that support the decision-making process of the healthcare providers. The project focuses on the microbiota – brain -axis which plays a major role in mental health and in particular Major depression disorder. Through clinical investigations, the consortium partners will study the combination between genetics, epigenetics, microbiome and inflammatory networks.
An European Project aiming to Optimise and predict antidepressant efficacy for patient with major depressive disorders using multi-omics analysis and AI-predictive tools.
OPADE project is 100% funded by the European Union (Horizon Europe Grant Agreement 101095436). Scientifically coordinated by EBRIS Foundation, it integrates a consortium of research centres, hospitals and enterprises from ten different countries. The consortium is completed by The CEINGE BIOTECNOLOGIE AVANZATE SCARL (Italy), PERSEUS BIOMICS (Belgium), FUNDACIO EURECAT (Spain), ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE EXPERT SRL (Romania), MAMA HEALTH TECHNOLOGIES GMBH (Germany), PROTOBIOS OU (Estonia), CEPHALGO (France), BIOKERALTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE AIE (Spain), FUNDACION UNIVERSITARIA SANITAS (Colombia), UNIVERSITA DEGLI STUDI DI SIENA (Italy), STICHTING UNIVERSITAIRE EN ALGEMENE KINDER – EN JEUGDPSYCHIATRIE NOORD-NEDERLAND (The Netherlands), FUNDACIO INSTITUT D’INVESTIGACIO BIOMEDICA DE GIRONA DOCTOR JOSEP TRUETA (Spain) and ISTANBUL MEDIPOL UNIVERSITESI (Turkey).
During this meeting researchers from the different organizations discussed the key issues to be addressed during the first year and the administrative procedures to ensure the success of this innovative project.