Areas and lines of research
The R+D+i work carried out by BioKeralty is carried out thanks to its participation in projects at a national and international level in collaboration with various strategic partners and entities. Our research work encompasses a wide variety of areas within which different lines of research and projects can be identified.
Social innovation includes initiatives that try to find new ways to satisfy those social needs not adequately covered and to produce the behavioral changes necessary to solve the great challenges of society.
Well-being and life-quality are determined by the social and community dimensions. Based on this idea, BioKeralty understands health and disease as biopsychosocial and community processes that expand the biomedical approach and promote health. For this reason, it considers that it is important to promote cultural change and critical thinking to recover care leadership and empowerment, evolving from a traditional practice focused on the disease to a comprehensive model that integrates primary care and specialized care with social care and community support under the responsibility of a real care team. Consequently, it is a holistic approach to the health-disease process that allows contextualizing each situation to understand in depth each situation.