Areas and lines of research
The R+D+i work carried out by BioKeralty is carried out thanks to its participation in projects at a national and international level in collaboration with various strategic partners and entities. Our research work encompasses a wide variety of areas within which different lines of research and projects can be identified.
The e-Health area purpose is to make a safe and cost-effective use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) applying them as support in health processes and areas related to the health sector (care services, surveillance and health documentation, education and research). In this context, BioKeralty made an effort to develop projects with technological base and offer transversal support to those projects applied in other areas of the organization that work with specific pathologies.
In this way, e-Health area focuses its work on support technologies and professionals’ training for e-learning activities) in clinical support technologies, diagnosis, treatment and intervention through Artificial Intelligence models and techniques. Artificial Intelligence offers platforms that allow the collection, analysis and sharing of Big Data in the healthcare environment through tools such as cloud-computing, telemedicine resources (telemonitoring and telecare) and e -Health related management optimization and processes.
Research areas and projects:
Line 1 – Hospital process optimization
In order to improve healthcare through digital transformation, BioKeralty collaborates in the development, implementation and validation of a platform that, through artificial intelligence and indoor location, is able to improve clinical and operational efficiency optimizing results, care and patient satisfaction.
Line 2 – Automatic speech recognition and natural language processing
Regarding language aspects, BioKeralty also participates in the development, implementation and validation of a platform able to understand spoken language in the doctor-patient relationship completing and coding the electronic medical record. At the same time, the purpose through natural language processing is to make possible an early detection of diseases such as cognitive impairment or depression.
- ESAN (ELKARTEK): The ESAN project seeks to develop an automatic medical scribe capable of documenting in the EHR the dialogue between a doctor and his patient during the consultation.
Line 3 – Surgical Simulation: virtual reality and augmented reality
E-Health area is working on the search for technologies, alliances and collaborations that could allow the implementation of surgical simulation at two levels: at an academic level, it seeks to train our students in the surgical field and at a professional level, the objective is give support in the planning of complex operations.
Line 4 – Big Data solutions for information storage and processing in clinical environments
As well, the e-Health area provides transversal support is provided to other BioKeralty areas, more specifically, in Big Data and Cloud Computing technology projects or projects related to communications and interoperability, clinical decision-making and artificial intelligence support systems in health and the provision of health services.
- Project 1: Osasukat (ELKARTEK): aimed at creating a platform for the management of the Electronic Medical Record of patients that allows working in an interoperable way, the project integrates the information from different data sources (mainly, management systems hospital of health centers) and offers services to make easier to professional the access to that information respecting privacy and confidentiality terms and monitoring the actions carried out on the information.